Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is the practise of providing financial assistance to people or businesses through the internet. As a peer-to-peer lender, any individual investor or financial institution can earn interest, and since there is no longer an intermediary, usually a financial institution, the rates may be more favourable. The P2P platform facilitates the mutual agreement between lenders and borrowers.
At Dedserve, we safeguard the interests of the borrower and the lender by guaranteeing that the source of funds reaches them on schedule and by monitoring end use and repayments, respectively.
The P2P platform and the overall structure gain legitimacy by safeguarding the interests of both lenders and borrowers.
Customized P2P platform management services provided by Dedserve include:
- Borrower-specific onboarding services (including KYC checks and world checks)
- Payment of money to debtors
- Withdrawal or payment of investors’ funds, plus interest to lenders
- Regulation observance.