Any fund manager’s top priority is to increase returns for investors. The daily management of funds, accounting, and compliance, however, can quickly get in the way of doing the essential work. Additionally, harsh penalties for late filing increase the pressure you’ll feel as a manager to please investors. You want them to have complete faith in the management of their fund as well as its financial reporting.
Transparency and meticulous reporting are important when managing broad and complicated portfolios of managed accounts. But time spent on administration and time-consuming reports tends to distract from the preferred emphasis on analysing and choosing funds.
At Dedserve, we provide highly individualised services of the greatest calibre, together with a professional period-end procedure that ensures you’ll fulfil your deadlines. By assets under administration, we are among the top fund administration service providers worldwide (AuA). To generate fund reporting and financial statements in compliance with your needed accounting standard, our specialist accounting teams are completely qualified.
Our accounting teams can determine the net asset value of the fund for you with accuracy by comprehending the investments in your fund, the impact of foreign exchange, and any fees and charges.
In addition to providing day-to-day accounting, management reporting, consolidation services, NAV calculation in accordance with fund requirements, and financial statement preparation, we also perform accounting for real estate, private equity, hedge funds, and fund of funds. Our qualified personnel have knowledge of manager-specified variances, industry standards, and GAAP.
We have a lot of experience overseeing how fund revenues are distributed to partners and executives. We provide qualitative inspections in the interest of all parties since we recognise that accurately calculating the waterfall is a crucial administrative component for the manager and the investors.