Strategies and structures have become more intricate in an effort to increase the return potential of investment portfolios. The risks associated with funds and other vehicles also increase as opportunities develop, making it harder to monitor, record, and disclose their activities. As a result, it’s all too simple to become caught up in the minutiae of financial records and reporting when your focus should be somewhere else.
Imagine, though, if you had a companion who could take care of all of that. Someone who was completely committed to scrupulosity in the details and could be relied upon to manage the figures underlying your varied interests over the long run
We are one of the top fund administrators in the world at Dedserve, and you won’t find anyone more qualified than our professional accounting staff. For private equity funds, real estate funds, hedge funds, as well as accounts for trusts and foundations, we can generate reports, financial statements, and NAV calculations in accordance with the strictest international and regional requirements. We also provide services related to more conventional companies, such as management accounting, special purpose vehicle management, and bookkeeping.
We remove all of the administrative and reporting burden by providing the financial tools, transparency, and reporting you need to manage complicated and varied portfolios. Leaving you free to concentrate on your important work.